Logo, Forensic Dimensions - Forensic Consultant

(877) 755-3026

Experienced Forensic Medical Consulting Services Based in Orlando, Florida

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Receive unbiased conclusions with forensic services from Forensic Dimensions. We provide analysis and evaluations of your data.


Strengthen your court case with our diagnostic services. Our experts bring the findings to court to support your case.


Get a second opinion on the medical findings with our medical evaluations. We help you prove your case in court.

Who We Are

Get professional medical services from our forensic consultant at Forensic Dimensions in Orlando, Florida. Since 1993, we have provided consulting services for attorneys on either side of a medicolegal issue. While medical examiners are employees of the state, county, and city so they only work with the prosecution, we are able to work for any side. We are able to ensure that the other pathologists' work is accurate and medically appropriate.

Our Director, William R Anderson MD, Is a medical doctor, specializing in the practice of Pathology, certified by the American Board of Pathology in Anatomic and Clinical & Forensic Pathology.

Contact us to request more information about our knowledgeable forensic consultant in Orlando, Florida.

American Academy of Forensic Sciences | National Association of Medical Examiners | World Association of Medical Law

More Than 30 Years of Experience
Proudly Serving Customers Nationwide